I'm surprised we made it this far. We as in Guitar Club .I guess without my very supportive, very cool mates , I would have never came for the Ole' Performance today . Not a chance .The performance was , from what my dad said , even louder than our previous Suntec City perf.
But did you know where the hell we were BEFORE the performance ? We, as in Adelia , Maharah , Pearl , Megan , Farhana and me went to a carpark staircase that was creepy , dark and stuffy .But I didn't think anyone really cared, cause all we wanted was an enclosed area . Afterwards, it was time . Got really nervous ( God knows why ) but anyhoo , I found it peculiar as to why I listened to Cheng Feng 's advice .
He said this wasn't our first performance, so I shouldn't get too nervous . Hah. For the first time , I agreed with him on something . Maybe just for that moment , he wasn't that bad afterall . Amazing . The performance was great, but I agree with what Adelia said in her blog , it was really disappointing to see everyone splitting up almost immediately after the perf. Are they really in such a hurry ? Can't we at least walk around or grab a bite or a drink , as one whole Guitar Club ?
Infuriating , but , come to think of it , nobody took the initiative anyway , even I .
So what the heck , our bad . It may sound very cliche , but without all these 'little moments of getting together' , we might not be able to clinch a Gold for SYF . Not when I dont know you and vice versa . However , at least Meiyu offered to take a picture along with Mr Rudy and all .

Look where I was looking . Not even towards my own phone's camera !
What a joke , people !
And I just remembered something .Mr Rudy said that we all looked very 'stylo' and that I was a rocker. Hahah . Love the way he says 'stylo' .
Till here , people . P/S : Sorry Adelia , I forgotten to play the tabs for you . Promise to do so when we see each other again for practice (:
Hey all . Tomorrow's the big day, and I don't think I can touch the guitar just yet. My skin just started to peel off .*gasp Anyway , I'm happy I reached my target of burning off 500 calories in the gym (:And, I come to the part of 'Nights In Rodanthe' where I'll be seeing many of Paul's letters to Adrienne . I'm really not sure what's gonna happen in the end . But I'm too scared to find out as well . Well, I just have to keep on reading . Alright. It's quiz time . Or like what Mr Tay said last time, ''Squeeze time!''
Is there a chance Mr Tay can teach 3E3 next year ? :O Oh well, here's the quiz spreaded from Pamela . 1] Are you in love ?If you mean in love as in a BGR, hell no .If you mean in love as in idoling someone , yes :D 2] Does th person know you love him ?
Nope . Don't think he knows . 3] What if tht person rejects you ?I won't really care , probably for the first few weeks only.He's got better things to do (: Oh yah, who says anything about telling him anyway ? Lol . 4] Who are your best qans/friends ? (: ( name 5 )Pamela, Aaron , Axel, Colin . Sorry, I can't name 5 'cos I treat my other friends as just friends or good friends. 5] Will you die fr your friends ?Nope . For any of them .
I think it's stupid to pledge your loyalty in this manner . You only live once people . 6] Who will you save ? Your bestfriend or Boyfriend ?I'll try to keep them both equally safe and sound . 7] If you qot a choice , who will you wanna be ?:)A lead guitarist in a rock band .8]Would you watch ghost show or comedy ?Depends on the company . If my friends are in favour , a ghost show.Comedy if it has high ratings and no sexual content . 9] If you have 3 wishes , what would it be ?.Lose weight , get Gold for SYF'09 and a new guitar. 10] MAKE YOUR MOUTH BIGGERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!Wtf ? SPREAD T 10 PEOPLE :Dadelia , axel , farhana, sylvia, meiyu , eunice, von , shirleen, kendra and aisyah (: Please do, if you can (: And my heart goes out to all the victims that died in the Mumbai attacks , as well as their family members . Tragic . Really tragic .But wherever they are right now, I hope they rest in peace .
We can only hope that such terror won't happen again.