Wonder if anyone saw this but , "To all 2008 Sec 1-3 students, please remember your holiday assignment: ie to complete reading 3 fiction books and list the new words or phrases learnt. There will be an assessment of your reading when you return to school on 2 Jan 09. " - Iconnexion .
Do we really have to do it ? -__-
Well I'm guessing if you're a Twilight fan and bought " Twilight" , "New Moon", "Breaking Dawn" and "Eclipse" , you'll have no trouble with this assignment at all . LOL . .. .. .. .. .. Mnet KM Music Festival ( MKMF)
I'm so happy for the winners ! Wondergirls bagged Song Of The Year with their hit , 'Nobody' .
Big Bang got Artist of The Year . Hearts :D
DBSK bagged Album of The Year ! Mirotic !
And the highlight of the event . How could T.O.P do that to Hyo Ri ?
Went to the Marina Barrage with family yesterday . The sky was gloomy but I felt warmth later when it rained for I-Dont-Know-What reason .
I can't edit my pictures because I don't have that software (?)
Last but not least , Merry Christmas once again . (It's 2am but what the heck . )
Dec 24, 2008
Have you all hung up your mistletoes or decorated your Christmas Tree ? Well it's totally understandable if you didn't do both, cause I didn't do any either . LOL .
... Wishing a very veryMerry Christmas Eve to everyone ! I not only send my regards to you , but to your family , your relatives and your neighbours (even if they didn't lend you sugar ) ! I think this is the best season to reflect on all the negatives, and rejoice that we're aiming for a new year ! In 2007 , I remembered I checked my zodiac sign in Chinatown for 2008 . It didn't say too good about the dogs ( 1994 babies ) . True enough , it was a rough time for not only us ,but for everyone to go through . Economy, terrorists, and all that crap . In brief , a crappy 2008 to me .
So , let's all put all that crap aside and wish yourself first , a Merry Xmas Eve ! Then , spread the love and wish people around you too ! Hope everyone will have a great Christmas in a day's time ! I think it's quite hard not to celebrate this festive season . You walk everywhere, every shop is blasting Christmas songs ! Faster enjoy before they start playingCNY songs . *shudders
And tomorrow , I'll be going with Aaron to get the 'last minute' touch ups for the 2E3 gathering . A pity Pamela can't go cause she would be over at her aunt's .Oh well, she's gettingROCKBAND anyway so I'll see her very , VERY soon . (:
Meanwhile , everyone PLEASE enjoy your Christmas Eve ! It comes only ONCE a year . Somemore, it's at the end of the year ! Don't waste this opportunity . :D
Meanwhile , give a listen to this rendition by Relient K . I like it from 1:36 onwards .
Bored .
Dec 21, 2008
Have you ever had a boy best friend? Totally .
Name something you dislike about today. Being cooped up at home with nothing much to do .
Are you a morning person or a night person? A night one .
Do you want to get married? Ask me again when I'm older and more financially-okay . (:
What were you doing at 1 AM this morning? I was at my friend's house at Bukit Batok .
Do you hate being alone? Depends where am I .
Are you tan? Are you KIDDING me ? :D
Is there a guy that knows every thing or mostly everything about you? Probably . I don't know .
How many phones have you had throughoutyour life? Five or six .
Did anyone call you babe today? Nope .
What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Playing AuditionSEA .
What's something that can always make you feel better? Listening to songs . Big Bang, Epik High , Alex and Mcfly :D
Do you think that you’re a good person? Totally. I don't bite people .
What are you thinking at the moment? How long would I take to finish up this .
Do you have any text messages that you don't want other people reading? It's not that there are any personal text messages . I just don't like people reading them
Who are you closest to in your family? My mom !
What are you wearing at the moment? Home clothes .
When is the last time you went to church? Way long ago . Like several months ago .
Who was the last person you had a conversation with? My sister .
Who was the last person you got in an argument with? I cant' remember .
Boredom is driving me nuts . Arg .
Dec 19, 2008
A fire broke out in my block's lift lobby . Apparently , it came from the refuse bin. Not all residents knew about it as it happened late at night . There was a horrid smell and now the whole lift lobby is charred . The lifts are still working but the smell lingers in them . My sister and father were inches away from the fire . They unknowingly took the lift . A considerate lady whom I have never met before tried to call the police but in the end, we found out they had just arrived . At first, I thought the fire was caused by, like what Pamela said , teenage gangster wannabes , but my sister told me they were the ones who called the police . And throughout the whole time, they were there, watching in 'awe' . It was really scary . The police spoke to us and they said that we should be more aware of cluttered rubbish and talk to the Town Council about this problem .
Dec 15, 2008
Twilight, overall ,was ok-ok . I really love certain parts of the movie but there were some parts I couldn't catch ( I didn't read a single page of the book ) , so I practically asked Pamela throughout the whole movie what was going on . She was pissed but who cares ! LOL .
Met up at Tampines MRT with Pamela and Bren . Suay suay met a couple of ALs . They were really , typical ALs . Talk so loud . My god . I moved further away from them, cause the way they talk and complain , hell funny . But Bren and Pam still stood there . And when we finally got away from them, we started laughing about it . Hahah . Inside joke ! Got down at Orchard, then we walked to Borders at Wheelock . Pamela was browsing magazines , hunting for Rob's picture . Lol -_- . After that, walked to Shaw House and ate there . Pamela ate a Mcdonalds burger and a drink , Bren had Subway with a drink and a cookie while I had a Aglio Olio takeaway + drink from Pastamania . Yes , I'm very specific in today's post , tyvm (: And Pastamania was hell expensive okay . Expensive, not only to my standard ! $7 inclusive of GST just for a plain , non-meaty Aglio Olio and a regular drink ? My god. Lesson learnt .
Then , Bren's cousin Herman came . He's also in JYSS but Pamela and I swore that we never see his face before . :D
Then, there was like a messy queue in front of the theatre door . Herman and I just stood in front and soon after, people stood behind us and the cycle goes on . It became an official queue LOL . Free seating, so no choice. Have to fight for what we want ! :D
Got seated, then later moved a row down cos Pamela complained too high . Princess's order . Tsk .
After the show ended, Pamela claimed that there would be like behind the scenes after the credits . Wow , I trusted her at first, but then I lost my patience so I went out . In the end, NOTHING at all ! Somemore the staff said to her " 没有鬼了啦, 没有鬼了啦." Meaning that no ghost to see already. L-O-L please !
After that , around 9+ , went back by MRT . It was a fun day . And fuck, it'll be my last outing till 2009 . -_-
Go Cullens ! :D
Childhood .
Dec 13, 2008
Okay, finally my archives are back in place . But my previous post disappeared . So , alright nevermind -.-
Nothing happened lately , but this coming Monday , I would be going with Pamela , Brenda and Brenda's brother to watch Twilight premiere at Lido . Oh my god , till 10pm in the night ! *gasps .
Anyway I wanna host a Christmas party but my mother doesn't really likes the idea. I told her that we can host in the park downstairs our house but she says that we would get mosquito bites and all the infectious diseases . Ugh .
Ever since I left primary school , I seldom go downstairs and play in the park . I remember I always played catching , sparkles and a whole lot of fire, of course with my then-'gang'. We would re-enact a " Scavenger Hunt " and hunt for dry leaves . Then they would use lighters, while I use matchsticks (Till now , I'm not really good in using a lighter.) Okay, then we would make a big fire and attract all the aunties and uncles' attention . We didn't care less (then) cause like they say , children don't know anything . But man , we know a whole lot of stuff that they don't know ! * winks .
I don't know about you guys , but when I was younger, when I played in the park, I felt like the park belonged to me . It's like , you feel superior cause nobody's stopping you . You feel a sense of accomplishment that you have the 'freedom' to run around . That's what I felt then but now , it feels kind of stupid to me. Haha .
Anyway, I miss the good ol times .Yes . The times where I nearly got my finger burnt , the times when I fell down the sand pit , the times when I injured my knee while playing catching , and that fateful day when I fell into a pond . -.- These memories , put together, becomes someone's childhood . My childhood .
Alright . So , back to the Christmas party , anyone interested in planning one ? :D Tell me okay !
Till here (:
Just took 45 minutes to view all my past archives. Some made me laugh , while others just made me feel stupid . The way I spell my words ( is becomes issh , not becomes nort ) Totally disgusted me . If I was disgusted by a post I blogged , I daren't think of what people out there think of me .
Alright . Hold up . That's where I'm wrong again . I always let people judge me . You see, I always think that peoples' opinions are the best , 5 stars , no doubt . Then after 'seeing' the world in another perspective over the months , you find that the only person you can trust is yourself. Not even your family, maybe . So , trust your instincts, they may /may not be the best decision , but in the end, you find that you're happy because it's not any Tom,Dick or Harry who made this decision . It's you .
Dec 11, 2008
Alright , I am happy cause I just cracked Pamela up , which means I made her laugh while talking to her on msn . She rarely cracks up . So I guess I'm a genius, or she's having a good mood.
Evidence to prove :
Edward and Robert ♥ says: it takes alot for me to do that
Busted .
Alright , I got back my results today at guitar class. Jon told me that we might be getting back. I was quite skeptical cause we took the exam in early Nov and now it's like Dec and the results are out ? Anyways, I got them back anyways . Mr Lim , my instructor, gave me that look . The standard look that teachers give when students do badly . Damn , he played a trick on me, and everyone else ! The bunch of us all got Distinctions, the highest should be 91 . I got 89 . Yay-ness .
And I passed sight reading by 1 mark. 6/10 . Thank God. And the remark was " The second half was mispitched " What the hell ?
Okay , then after guitar, went gym again .
Till here .
A dream ?
Dec 9, 2008
So , I had a dream last night , and I dreamt of Alexander .I'm really puzzled as to whether he's really trying to tell me a message last night . The dream was that I was trying to cross the road , but there was too much traffic , so I was stuck.Then , when I thought I was a goner, there he was , riding on a scooter(or a motorcycle) , signalling to me to ride it with him , to get me out of that situation .Then , just when I wanted to catch a glimpse of his face , I woke up. I did saw abit of his chubby face , but I'm skeptical cause I haven't seen his face ever since he .. Also , his picture is not with me cause it's with some dumb relatives .
So, guys , believe it or not , my big brother came to my dream , telling me that he'll be watching over me . Thank you Alex, love ya . And advanced merry x'mas to you .
Alright , just to keep you guys smiley , here's a video from kevjumba (he's mine ! )
Oh and I apologise for the bad quality. :O
Till here people !
UPDATED ( 7.49pm )
Sorry ! I forgot to wish Waikit an advanced 15th birthday ! Even though he's not in Singapore , I really hope he can see this ! I'm really baffled as to why his name turned into John . Hahaha ! :D Really hope to meet up with Yinwai , Waikit and their parents someday . Sure hope I'll go to Australia once this frickin recession stuff magically goes away or something -_- .
Sorry !
Dec 6, 2008
For those who came by my blog and found out that it was privated , sorry ! I did it because I had no time to finish up the codes and I didn't want it to be messy , so I privated it .
Okay , went to celebrate my parents 30th wedding anniversary at some Peninsular Hotel . Ate buffet there and my sister and I ended up playing with chocolate .
Pictures to prove !
Yummmy ! : D If you look carefully, the chocolate equals that girl's hairdo . (:
There's my parents .
After that, we went to the Speaker's Corner , then Chinatown Point, then People's Park , then OG , then Century Square !
That sums up my day . Lazy to add on details .
UPDATED ( 11.43pm)
Pamela and I had a GREAT idea . Since I wanna go Peninsula Plaza , while she wants to go Pasir Ris Park , we decided to plan these two outings ! (separate days)
Peninsula Plaza, can get lots of cheap hoodies for $15 or less, skinnies , guitars(:D) , rock band jackets,shirts , sports wear and all ! So I'm reallly excited to go there !
PRP is simple , just to revive Pam's childhood memories .
Now we just need to plan time , date all that .
Psyched ! :D
Princess's house .
Dec 4, 2008
Okay, so today took bus 28 with Aaron to go to Pamela's house . Luckily Aaron was there to help me or else my A.D.D will act up again and I have to hire a cab to bring me there . Lol . When I left my house, it was just a little drizzle of the rain . Then later, it poured like crazy . I'm sorry to use such a word but don't blame me , blame Mr Weather . Hah .
Okay, at her house , we werent' the only ones. There was also Tessa and her friend , Charmaine.( hopefully I spelt her name right :o ) They were alright , and they played Wii more aggressively than the Princess. Cool :D Then we did some kind of Wii Fitness Test and I was 43 years old , while Aaron was 76 . Aaron was using Pamela's 'Mii Account' so it sorta pulled down her record . LOL . She was pissed . Haha .
If you guys were there, I'm telling you , it would have been so much fun ! Probably even more fun than today ! But of course, you have to seek permission from the Princess to get in the house .
Tell you guys something funny .
When Aaron and I reached her doorstep, Princess didn't open her gate at all . I was expecting her main gate to be open ( at least ) , but in life, you can't always have what you want. D: How inviting , Princess !
After playing her computer and Wii and all , Aaron had to go for his choir BBQ so left back Tessa, Pamela , Charmaine and me . Decided to play Monopoly , but then got really bored so played Taboo . TABOO IS FUN ! :D
Then later received a phone call from my sister and my mum did something ridiculous . Don't wanna talk about it at all , well at least here .
Alright . Till here , dears .
P/S : Don't know what's A.D.D ? No worries, it's a harmless disorder .
Bored .
Dec 1, 2008
I can't sleep till you're next to me , Feels like insomnia. -Craig.D
I know there are people out there waiting to see me giving them a surprise. You know, a belated X'mas present. Waiting to see me scold someone via internet . Waiting to see me over-react and them start scolding vulgarities. Well, sorry , you knocked on the wrong door . (:
Ah , I just wish there were more guitar classes on Dec . Both private and school ones. It's just so boring to stay at home now . Ever since terror struck , nobody seems to be enjoying their holidays. I just can't wait for tomorrow where I'll be going to Pamela's house to play Wii with Aaron . And Wednesday for my guitar class .
Went to the gym just now , forgotten to take note of the calories . Supposed to swim, but there was a pool party going on . LOL . People still have time to party . Crazy .
P/S :A little boy sang "Apologize" to his mother after his mother accidentally hit him . Cute .
Well , that's all . If nothing interests you here, I suggest you view my archives. (: