This guy's
Chung Lim. Yes, he's Korean. Chung Lim. Imagine saying that over and over.
Chung Lim Chung Lim Chung Lim Chung Lim.
That was so...not hilarious.
Very bored now. Pam is
bending rocks and Tan is not online. I have tons of homework and yet, I'm still downloading more K songs. It's a sure thing that I fail this Math TA. I only guarantee
4 marks for the first question. Pathetic, aren't I? For the rest, I'm filled with several uncertainties. But like what
Xin Sheng say,
" It's over. Forget it." Darn right.
I'd better move on.
And it will be harder now to try though, cause I won't be talking that much during Math lessons anymore. Not planning to.
Since I'm bored, tag me if you know what
bending rocks mean.
No hint. Too ez.
If Pam doesnt even know, that will be even more
No prize thou. Recession.
With reference of my previous post, I didn't see Ms Tham at all today. So I'm still inside this dumb NE shit. FML.
Well hi!! I told myself to sleep before midnight but look at the time now. Fuck me. There is EM TA and I wanna pass this so much to prove to Ang that I ain't a failure. I remember I only passed both my EM and AM once...from Jan till now..:( But whatever. I hope I can at least pass.
Just a pass. D:
Tomorrow got some stupid NE Investiture. I mean really,
IS IT NECESSARY? Student Council, totally understandable. But just for an ordinary club, need Mrs Oh make us walk some red carpet on 7th Aug which is the day of the
National Day celebrations
WHICH is also a day before my birthday?! -if you guys have forgotten, coughs-I blame Ms Tham for everything. For forcing me to be in NE Club. Ms Ross told me clearly and specifically that I'll only do competitions. Other than that, I'm not considered in NE Club. But when I told the exact same thing to that bitchwhore, guess what she said?
"I don't care you're in this club."WOWWow.
Lol. Two can play the game lor. You don't care, then all the more I'll do the same. I will fucking confront you and tell you I opt out for NE Club tomorrow, which is Friday. All along, I was only doing competitions for you. How gracious can I be. Sacrificed my June Hols for some pathetic competition. And I already made it clear to you GOD KNOWS HOW LONG AGO that Ms Ross told me I'm not in.
Oh yeah. I think Ms Tham is really exaggerating much. When I raise my voice, just
a bit,
A BIT to prove my stand that I'm not in the NE Club, she can show me that face and tell me that I'm being
rude and disrespectful?!
IF I DON'T RAISE MY VOICE TO MAKE MY STAND, THEN WHAT, I WHISPER?Wah afterwards more worse ah, you say what I act yi ge soft-spoken ger all that crap. Then I'll have nothing else to say already. Walau. I can't believe I'm wasting prex. time on some
FK who isn't worth of my time. Shall end my rant here. :)
Okay well, the only good thing about this NE investiture is that I can
miss CCA.
That's all.
I'm not that bad to my juniors lar. I'll drop by and help, like duh-uh! Should I count myself lucky that I have 2 buddies and one of the buddy is Eurasian and her surname is James? How cool is that. She has nice facial features too. And she picks up things fast, which is totally a plus point. Aren't I lucky! Oh, the other one is also really nice and sweet. Into the Korean craze too. Woopie.
But there's a girl that has a bit of an AP(attitude problem). And last CCA session, I somemore keep telling her she very cute. She really does looks very cute, I swear to God. Has a very cute smile and all. But who knew, deep down.. What a pity. But, people can change right? Lol.
I'm looking out for a new phone now. Jeremy say if trade in before 1 year, for my phone, it's like $150 or maybe around there. I want a phone with WIFI.. So cool lor, wlau. But I guess, now I just have to wait. Maybe
X'mas? Lol. Or worse still, next year birthday. -FAINTS-
But I don't know why, I don't wanna change my phone.. cause that would mean my number would change.. and I really love my number alot. So easy to remember. Right?!
But if you want a nice phone with all the functions you need/want, then it's a different story already. We need to make substantial sacrifices in life!!
Any good recommendations? Tell me yup. :=)
Ending here. Night. Tomorrow would be a boring Friday, I presume. No meet-ups whatsoever, but still, I can get a much-needed rest at home anyway. So well, goodnight. :=)
P/S: Does this smile look weird >>>>>
:=) ??!?!
This is a post solely to comfort myself and drag me out of my emotional state.
A week has gone, just like that. Before we know it, it'll be the EOY, and then the upcoming O's.
Time flies, so cherish every single moment. Don't stick to things that aren't worth your time.
The way I say it, it's like I know alot. I don't but, I've been there.
Very soon, this week is gonna fly very soon. I hope to absorb everything I see and hear. And for the things I missed out badly, I'll try to catch up.
Life is really short to think about unhappy things. Would you want to turn 30 and look back at your teen years, thinking of nothing but sadness and sorrow?
Instead, grab the ones you love near you and show them how much you care for them.
I should count my blessings and be contented with what I have now.
A home, a nice family and great friends.
Relatively stable education.
That's good enough to give me a lifetime of happiness and bliss.
Maybe not that much hair up in the head, maybe not the prettiest looking girl in the planet(but still, decent to look at), maybe not the smartest, but still, I'm
unique. That goes out to everyone.
Oh. And my birthday is comin' up. That should be something good to look forward to. I don't like my birthdays to be on weekends, for some reason.
Oh, and I'm not hinting anything. Or so it seems.
Lastly, dear Pam is sick. Shall give her a
nice, warm and touching shoutout for her to look at while she's at home and while I'm slogging my ass in school. Awz.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.And to Tan too, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
Great! I'm out of my emotional zone.
Goodnight! -happy-
Have you ever fretted
"Oh my gawd, I'm gonna hang out with Alice, Mayflower and Eugene and I have no fucking clothes to wear!!!!!!"
Have you ever passed by shops and wondered to yourself,
" Hey. I've seen that before! How un-original of me to wear something similar! I wanna stand out!!!! :("
Well. I had.
But now I don't cause of this mighty super power online shopping site called
You don't have to fret anymore!!
Seriously, brand new American clothes, un-touched, freshly from the factory.
And a site that sells most clothing that are UNCOMMON in Singapore.
For those who want to or HAVE BEEN DYING TO stand out in front of the Singaporean crowd, here's your chance.
What the bleep are you waiting for?!
In a Forever 21 shop at say, Vivo, the clothes there may have been worn by people before, and the prices are much more higher than those selling in www.forever21.com.
Trust us, we checked, we compared, we know!!!
So if you're sick and tired of encountering such, try out this option!
Shipping fees only $8 SGD. If you buy with us!
If you pay yourself , it's a double digit number aite.
I don't wanna disclose how much and scare the shit out of yall'.
But now, all you have to know that it's only gonna be fkin $8 SGD if you buy with us.
You may reply back with a
"$8 SGD?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?" [lol!]
You have all the time till 25th July,9PM to think about it.
You have all the time to save till 25th July,9PM before you make payment with Pam.
JYSS is preferred, since she'll be there from Monday to Friday.
Like you don't know that. HAHAHAH.
Call your friends, your siblings,
If you have a BOYFRIEND, or a very close guy friend, if you're too embarrassed to announce your TRUE status with him( i'm just joking), here's your chance to get him a nice shirt to complement your Forever 21 outfit(if you buyfrom us) at...
Which is also part of Forever 21!
Oh. It's in USD. So the current exchange rate is 1.48.
So really, it's a good opportunity and it benefits everyone.
We aren't gonna suck up any extra profit or what.
We're doing this so we can all pay lower shipping fees, and I'm talking about, believe me,
Don't hold back!
We'll be waiting till, remember, 25th July,9pm to confirm your orders with...
Or Celia(ce.lia@live.com)
Or, the friendliest, me!
But for more of the details, it's best you find them yah. -.-
Anyone interested in shopping @ www.forever21.com?!
Don't worry for shipping charges! It's only $8 for your overall shopping!
This headband costs only 2.50SGD(exclusive of shipping)
Ever when to diva and saw how expensive their headbands were? And, they were not even satin.
Well, here F21 sells you affordable and gorgeous satin headbands at only 2.50!

These tanks cost only 6SGD(Exclusive of shipping)
There are TWENTY-ONE colours to choose from!!
How often do you find so much colours to choose from?!
The most was only 5-10 and there are certain colours in F21 that are not available here in Singapore. And, most of the tanks cost like 2 for 19.90, 2 for 29.90, 2 for 39.90.
Enough of expensive tanks!
Here are tanks which are exactly the same and made in cotton for only 6bux each!

Shop now! Contact Pamela(pam-teo@hotmail.com) if you want to shop!
Once again, it's www.forever21.com!COME ON! SPREAD THE WORD.
Hi. Making a very brief post. Going to sleep soooooooooon. What a rush today. I enjoyed today's interview. Not as stringent as I've expected it to be. The interviewees were very friendly. Then afterwards, had to rush for tuition. Got abit mad coz of the rush. But at least, I didn't flare up. I guess this Term 3, there's gonna be physical changes to Junyuan,provided we have support. Let's hope the ideas can come to life, and not only rest on paper. What else, oh yeah. Tomorrow hopefully I can watch a horror movie with e butts. And there's PE tomorrow! I absolutely love floorball. Much better than volleyball, which always ends me up with very red wrists and palms. Ou yeah, I failed my Emath test! By a mark! Oh well. At least, I'm showing more interest during his lessons now. And today's tuition was worth it. I finally understood. What else... ou, I still have to plot 7 graphs later.
SEVEN, holy shiz'. Ah, took random shots during Chem Pract. If I don't post 'em up, God knows when else can I find a chance to.

Lurv the blue.

Goodnight. (-;
I have many insecurities.
As if you guys don't have 'em. Bah. God knows when will I start posting proper again.
Or is this proper enough for you? Tired. Restless. Bored. And an urgent need of much-lacked
retail therapy. But the lack of cash + feeling the pinch to splurge makes it a
lot harder. Still, I will never ever pursue the path of greediness to achieve both.
Been hogging the computer for hours. Missed tuition. I didn't miss tuition just for the sake of computer lah. Got an earful from parents. Imagine, getting a hard core scolding when you have just woken up. That sucks. But that's the way they show how much they care. Aw.
Once the pictures are up by Celia, will start talking about yesterday. Which was, really really fun. So fun that I don't even know where to start. So Tan, you know what to do!
Not sleeping yet cause I haven't taken dinner but still, night!
I just watched a Korean or Cor-ren(as
Pear pronounces) horror flick, I'm kinda freaked out now so I can't really get to sleep so soon. The most shocking part of it was that I found out that the cute guy I observed in the movie was actually Kim Bum. Anyway, I will post a proper one tentatively tomororow. You see, I am even this lazy to the extent that I don't even bother to press Enter to keep every sentence to the left, which I usually will do. I guess I'm gonna fall asleep soon. There's tuition tomorrow @ 10am and I'm sick and tired of it but I'll still go and jjdsdfkpsjyirdlcvkmvlkasdoiajdotghaoekjfalkdjfghuorhvnkfsjoghwrf. Goodnight.
The cookies Ms Ross gave us. Of course, mine's more chio-er!
It's the more colourful one of course!

The MJ I drew during History!
I think I did a pretty good job, ya know! First time!

Class was quite alright today.
We had a change of seating arrangement. I know many are disliking it.
Oh well.
I'm sitting right at the back of the class.
I can do many things like, munch prawn crackers, sms, you know.
Just like how Mr Ang caught me today. Almost.
Whew. Thank god I swallowed them crackers + drank water.
So he believed I was just drinking water.
Close shave!
I could somemore say
," Just because I have a cookie on my table doesn't mean I'm eating!"That shut him up!
And er, as quoted by Pam, I have the "
Christian Face".
So if I lie, I can pull it off. Just like that.
But oh come ON, people. I wouldnt lie to YOU guys.
Oh yes yes. I laughed alot during English.
For some reason, Mrs Khanal has a dark humour in her and only I seem to be the one who can decipher it.
Or maybe, it's just me.
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter Togetherness, well that's all I'm after Whenever you need me, I'll be there I'll be there to protect you With an unselfish love I respect you Just call my name and I'll be thereRIP Michael Jackson.
I'm not gonna say so much. At this point, me saying anything wouldn't help solve this, right?
We are clearly meant to be on different sides from the start.
If the intended impact of this is to make me feel a tinge of guilt,
You did it. Way to go.
I refuse to make any other comment to anyone else but them about this if you want to know what's happening.
Until then, keep blaming me then. What can I do?
I already said it out already, think I can take it back?
Or do you want me to apologise to you and make up again?
This is sooooooooooo primary school.
Lol. To start off, I think I'm seeing things with a double vision.
I just saw Michael Jackson's "Bad" as "
I think this is God's will telling me I'm heading towards the
balding phase..:(
Sigh. And the hair tonic requires me to be
18 and above for safe usage.
What the buck.
It's mine but I can't use it. And in 3 years time, it will dry up and probably vapourise. (Lollllllll.)
Well okay, it's not mine. Someone in my family uses it. Not telling who!
I love him/her too much to say. ;)
Maybe my close pals will know..
I just sat down for hours in my room and did finish a few sets of homework.
I'm left with a ESSS Physics paper. 1 more Amath assignment.
I'm very lazy to do both.
And I'm planning to sleep early tonight.
Like, 9pm.
It will be hard. For someone who sleeps at 2,3,4am.
But, you never know if you never try.
"Some teens experience emotional problems such as depression if they don't get enough sleep.
You might also feel irritable, cranky, or more emotional than usual. Not getting enough sleep can also contribute to skin problems, such as acne.
What happens if you don't get enough sleep? Plenty. You'll probably feel very sleepy during the day and you may have trouble staying awake in class. This can affect your ability to concentrate, make good judgments, and get good grades.
But this number can be hard to reach - you don't need to be a math whiz to figure out that if you wake up for school at 6 AM, you'd have to go to bed at 9 PM to reach the 9-hour mark.."Oh. Guess what.
My computer room is hot as hell, whereas my living room is filled with a scent of satin musk and the aircon is on.
Maybe I'll do my homework over there.
So yeah, sayonara people.
Tomorrow there's a biology test.
I'm still using the computer.
I simply have no mood to study.
Fuck my life. I can never make it for Bio or Amath already.