got this from jemimah. i dont know if she'll be seeing this but. oh, this is too true. -_-

i just HAVE to finish my ace today. tomorrow's the 31st for christ sake. hell no i'm going to do any thing work related. 2010 is coming and it's pretty surreal man. can you still recall those fond moments in the early part of 2009? i still can, miraculously. bah, new year, back to school life, let's do it!! Pun intended. Oops. D:
digressing abit i bought a new pair of shoes from far east today. it's made of leathar,(put your tongue to the top of yer teeth and emphasise more on the thar) .yeah i luv to pronounce it this way, and it's so friggin' comfortable. it's like you're wearing nuthing i swear. i'll definitely wear it for my next holiday. why am i so happy? because i always buy the wrong kind of shoes. most times it's the size. everyone in my family has been going on and on about this. -_- it gets too tight and i end up with blisters and shit, which really totally spoils my overall appearance. so i am pinning all my hopes that this time, this pair is the one for me.
my new year resolution would be to stop swearing. like if i'm really angry, i swear, i guess that's fine...hah. but now i swear over the stupidest things. getting way out of hand. last time, i wouldn't even dare say the F word and now it's like becoming one of my daily words. damn straight. and also, i hope that i'll focus more. and stop getting distracted and stuff. i get distracted TOO easily. blame overly addictive Twitter and Facebook games. i guess this takes a LOT of self control. the rest, as shown below.
3.head to the gym whenever i can. i do not have to spill out the reason YES?
4.stop hanging out outside and thinking that i have all the time in the world when i don't.
5.minimize talking in class. consequences are dire. (angksangksangks)
6.minimize taking out handphone to sms/prank call ppl during lessontime. lmao.
7.i will still continue to throw paper balls at people when the teacher's not looking. goodie. :)
8.read more books!!
9.revise everyday. (yeah right)
10.sleep by 12..then..11...then..10pm.(uh huh you sure?)
11. minimize shopping. :-(
12. save up money and stop splurging. i dont grow money trees.
13. love rob.
14. love rob.
15. love rob.
16. love rob.
17. love rob.
18. love rob.
19. love rob.
20. do well for O's. (:
well to end this off. sometimes life gets you down but well we all have to understand that time waits for no man and we just gotta move on someday. the past is the past and well no point getting stuck there. i know what you're thinking. CLICHE. haha. ok. i thought 2009 passed pretty well, albeit there were problems occurring here and there, i've decided to just move on and just be positive with them. i hope 2010 would be a great year for all of us.
I wish everyone a merry christmas to whoever you are. :-)
Time really flies fast...and wow we're just a week away from going back to school again. Back to the same old routine. I find it sorta surreal. Even though we go through this every year, somehow, I feel something different this year. Probably because you wisen up as you go through different obstacles and stuff in life, that's how you grow up and start thinking mature. I think we should all count our blessings that we all can live
a life, a life with your family, your closed ones and all. Not only Christmas we should spend time together with our loved ones, but every single day. Like I said, time flies fast so we'd better cherish every single thing, every single soul. Cliche as it sounds, we only live once. And I just wanted to bring up this important point of this mighty word called
Okay. Rambling again. Just had that sorta feeling, ya know? (maybe not.)
I'd better get back to my work..
By work I mean...for the almighty school. oh yeah! -_-
Meantime, see you whoever you ares... ;)
Hello people. I'll be away for my long-awaited and long anticipated trip.
It's not very far. But still, it's a getaway. Like, literally, getting me away from everything that I'm occupied with.
Of course I'll miss the you-know-whos.
And I'll be like Santa's messenger and bring presents back. That is if I don't over-shop.
I thought of what to buy for my mum and dad, and my sis. Just wanna share.
For my mum, I'll get her a weighing scale. Not that kind of scale that measures your kgs and pounds, okay.
It's that baking one. Okay? -_-
For my dad, I'll be getting him.....maybe a new wallet. Coin pouch maybe. Something he can use daily and practical.
He's a practical guy. You know how fathers are. Ok,maybe not all fathers are like this.
As for my sister, she reads my blog so I cannot publish this.
But she's so in love with this now, I just have to get her this to "satisfy" her.
Ok. That sounded wrong. LOL.
Okay. I'll have to wake up at 5 again.
And I'll be leaving by first class...........coach..LOL.
Shut up I know what you're thinking!!
Just joking. Of course it may sound silly.
Who doesn't want to fly over. It'll probably take me like half an hour. Or less. Or an hour.
BUT THE FLIGHTS ARE FULL SO I CAN'T REALLY DEAL WITH THAT, CAN I. -_-??And to fly there and pay more(compared to coach, of course) is a bit of a "unneccessary" thing right.
I mean, if you can save it, save it.
Probably I won't even be sleeping. I'll be Wifi-ing away. So toodles people. And see me back on Wednesday.
Thanks for all the tags and readers.
Woke up at 8 or so this morning. Bathed and all, played Cafe World, then I found out it was already 8.40. Had to be in school by 9. Was just a tad late. Had a meeting at the meeting room with Old Man till a late 10 o' clock++. That funny self proclaimed "hunk" -__-.
I have to do so many things but it's good that I have things to keep myself busy with. You don't think so much that way right!
I've been sleeping alot lately. Then today I realised I was sick. Sore throat. Not good. And I threw lots of tantrums. Lol..
My dad's car tyre burst. And I was like a mechanic and I helped to unscrew and turn that wedge thing or what, I don't know. But it was cool. Of course the tyre bursting part was obviously not. Unless you're sick. -_-
Then we found out the cause of it. Some metal needle.
How the heck did a sharp metal poke through that?!!?
If it's foul play, fuck that person man.
I'm interested to Maple again leh. How?
So it's been a while since I last updated. Thanks for the tags guys. :-)
A couple of weeks before my guitar exam, and because of
someone's request to play River flows in you, I was totally distracted to practice my pieces, scales especially, and my hands would have that "itchy feeling" - the kind when you have the urge to play Mahjong - to play the piano.
I find myself so weird. Always doing the wrong things at the wrong times. -_-
Totally the flippin' opposite of Mrs Oh's principle lah! Wth.
So I gradually started to play back the songs I used to play when I took piano then. Those were the days. But I'm actually quite happy they're gone man. The theory sucked. The main reason why I quit.
So the guitar exam...I was really terrified..cause the examiner being a lady, my coach said she would pick on what I would wear, how I cross my legs(-_-), and my hair(?!?). Like seriously, I
really believed what he said. But it turns out the friggin' opposite! She was superbly friendly and jovial! And she smiled at me! So many times!!!! The exam went off pretty okay..I really have to count myself lucky...Then she told me to start piano again, somehow or rather she sorta knew I played it before. Professionals. Lol.
That moment I got abit upset lah. You know, the whole Why did I stop. I so regret it now blah blah. -_______-
Okay my exam was like...2 weeks ago. Whoops!!
Moving on.
A friend of mine, I call him Luke, has been staying over at my house..and we all have been hanging out alot recently. Today was no exception. Pearl, him and I went to ECP to ride bicycles(if you follow me on Twitter you should know lol)! It has been very very long since I last sat on one! And when I sat on it and pedalled, I lost my balance and almost had a 1-on-1 with the road. Road ok. =_=
When I got the hang of it........
the chain thingy came off
and scared the bloody shit out of me!!!?!?!?!?!? Luckily Luke fixed it. Whew.
But that "scarred" me and thus throughout the whole 1hour, I rode
(pun intended,it's okay, i repeat, OKAY, to not be amused of this!!) in a slow pace.
Then we rode till the Bedok Jetty, idk, what Luke said. Then I had the sobsob moment while riding. You know those typical drama series. Look out the view..recollecting memories.. yeah. The sun set was lovely. But the stench of fish was a TURN OFF.
So cycled back...this time I could really feel the pressure in my calves.
And because of the very uncomfortable seat...my bum is hurting now..Yah..abit embarrassing to say but...it really does hurt alot...:-((((
Now I have to get off the chair very very slowly to prevent any further pain in the you know where....Till here..